
A sample of designs and artwork.

Ideation & Wireframing

Vodafone Internal Radio System, podcasting news, events and updates.

Portfolio Sections

  • Ideation & Wireframing
  • iOS, Android, BB10, Windows Phone and Nokia Experiences
  • Dashboards Experiences
  • Sites and portals
  • Logo Design
  • Branding
  • Illustration & artwork
  • T-Shirt Design
NANDBOX by Telepin, An advanced chat platform, the ideation and wireframing session. www.nandbox.com
KOTOBI, A middle east books and periodicals reading experience platform, part of a user-story wireframing.

iOS, Android, BB10, Windows Phone and Nokia Experiences

NANDBOX, Android, iOS and iPad experience.

AIOR, All In One Remote, A BB10 Experience, Featured by AppWorld of RIM-BB10 http://blck.by/2p3M0sM
Neatly, A Windows Phone Experience
NOKIA, Asha S40 Experience, Neatly, a smart Twitter client.

Dashboards Experiences

Sites and portals

Multimedia & Interactive

Logo Design


Illustration & artwork

T-Shirt Design